Backpack Ministry

 “For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink” (Matthew 25:35)

Welcome to the Backpack Mission where the love of Jesus is delivered through Yoo Hoo’s and Pudding Cups to children in need in our community. When God first launched this mission in 2010 we had hoped to support 4 – 6 children with weekend meals and weekly Bible stories. Trusting in God’s faithfulness we have seen that number grow to nearly 40 kids per week at the Rockwell and Faith Elementary Schools. Each “Pack” is prepared for God’s Glory with love and prayer; and with the hope that this simple act of kindness will demonstrate the love of Jesus to the families we are called to serve. The heart of the mission is not simply to provide weekend snacks, but to point people to Jesus Christ.

To help with child sponsorship, donations, or packing bags, contact the church office.